Blog Post Three
RENEWAL: replacing or repair of something worn out
Read the list and find YOUR word and sit with it for a moment. Do you feel overwhelmed, tired, worn out? Maybe it is time to move with the seasons and make time for your own renewal? It does not have to cost you a thing. I translate this word as a need for something fresh and clean and a restart. Have you dropped off on your self-care, the gratitude journaling, that call to a friend…the time is now. give yourself the space to get in touch with yourself again. Tap into what renews you. Get off the busy train for just a moment and do what something that nourishes you, not because it’s an obligation but because you are fulfilling the promise to yourself, and that is enough.
Need ideas, here are a few: get into nature, garden, hike, get near a lake, ocean, mountain, try a new recipe and take it to a neighbor, watch that movie you’ve been putting off, get the pedicure, go to church, pet you dog, sit outside, learn 4-7-8 breath work (you tube Dr. Weil), visit with people, send out a card, learn greetings in a new language, clean out that closet, donate your time, sing out loud, dance for no reason, forgive, let go, end the unhealth relationship-get into action, just do one thing!